Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Quest For Employment- Day 8

Back at the job hunt again today, somewhat. I applied to Old Navy online today. My job search is getting slightly distracted due to college stuff. Today I had the chance to work down in Pasadena, but... had a 12:30 Transfer Center counseling appointment, that I am very glad I went to instead. I learned a lot of things I wouldn't have been able to figure out on my own. I now know that UCLA is not an option for the Fall 2010 session. Too many of the courses I took for the Cal State system requirements do not transfer to the UC system, which would leave me with 30 units to complete in the spring, which is impossible. Fortunately I am still on track for CSUN, although I found out I need to take one more course than I thought, and on track for USC, which I also would need to take one extra course for. This leaves me with a total of 7 classes to take. If I can take at least 1 or 2 in the intercession it will really help out for my spring semester. Hmmm... this blog post is evolving into the quest for admission, I might need to start a new series... as always: WIsh me luck!

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