Teenage Wasteland of the Arts is an artist collective for teens aged 14-19. The collective was founded by both teens and adults in September of 2011 and last fall held two exhibitions at Small Form Space, an artist-run event-space in Chinatown, Los Angeles. Currently members of the collective meet once a week for 2 hours, at the gallery space of Human Resources, in Chinatown Los Angeles. The meetings are used to share ideas, critiques and make artwork together, as well as allowing the adults to help teen members navigate the college application process.
Our goal as an art collective is to create an inspiring, philosophical environment for teen artists to express their fears, dreams and nightmares, their hopes, angst and oppression, in a positive and safe way. This February, members of Teenage Wasteland of the Arts wrote their own artist dogma, aptly named TWA DOGMA 2012, which will serve as inspirational guidelines to frame the work made by the collective this spring.
Our current project is a two night gallery show at Human Resources scheduled for May 18th and 19th, consisting of work made by the teen artists in the collective. As well as the gallery show, we are planning to release a DVD catalouge with work by members of the collective, including work from the show.
To be able to produce the DVD catalogue and pay for expenses that come with setting up the gallery show, we need your help! The funds raised through Kickstarter will go towards production of the DVD, setting up the exhibition and equipment rentals.
Our incentives are all made by the teen artists in the collective, and include post-modern collage, mail art, wearable art, experimental videos and personal documentaries to name just a few.
Even the smallest donations help and we appreciate your support!
Any donations we collect beyond our goal will go towards buying equipment for the collective and future projects.
Please check out our website to see pictures and get more info on the collective