Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ben Andrews - Bonsai Tree Day 7

1st collector for Ben Andrews - Bonsai Tree Day 7
Follow my videos on vodpod Day 7! I have finally planted the seeds!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ben Andrews - Bonsia Tree Day 5 I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience...

Not much of an update.... but check out BRING YOUR OWN VINYL NIGHT:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ben Andrews - Bonsai Tree Day 3 I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…


Realizing my bonsai tree seeds could be mistaken as trash, I set out to label the bag!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ben Andrews - Bonsai Tree Day 2 I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience...


After soaking my seeds for 24 hours I placed them in a damp paper towel, sealed in a plastic bag and into the fridge to cold stratify for 7days!

Ben Andrews Book Review - The Golden Labyrinth 

Book Review of the The Golden Labyrinth: The Unique Films of Guillermo Del Toro by Steve Earles. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Life is Zombies - Autodrama

Had some with Auto-drama for THA 110 (Fundamentals of Acting) at Antelope Valley College. Decided to go with the concept of zombies as a metaphor for several things in life; the one-size fits all educational system, bullies, peer pressure and meaningless jobs. In each situation our weapon to overcome these obstacles are passion and creativity. The story of my life told through the METAPHOR of zombies, final project auto-drama for 110 at Antelope Valley College.
Special thanks to Eduardo Camacho Villalobos and Crystal Lambert

Music by Pink Floyd, Brand New and Cold War Kids


Also thanks to Erica Schott for filming for me, and for catching this fun moment before the performance:
Everyone wishing me luck ... or saying random things about me in the other room while I prepare for my Auto-drama final project in THA 110 at Antelope Valley College.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Itslav - the Film that Fell apart Short Film project for my Digital Filmmaking class at Antelope Valley College. This film is an incomplete project where all of the action sequences have been faked and large portions of the film are omitted. I hope to eventually go back and complete this film as originally written some day. Special thanks to all the friends that helped me throughout the process of trying to make the film.

Like all great projects the process of making this film started with a lot of momentum and energy. I had big plans for this one, this was going to be the one that I would take to film festivals. I wrote the script before the start of the class, had the whole thing storyboarded out shot by shot by the second week and convinced the teacher to let me use the top-notch equipment available in the class. I started out very passionate and in control of the situation, I was extremely organized and began casting calls. I had a great internet response to these casting calls and confirmed around 35 auditions. After 3 weeks, only 2 of the 35 ever showed up. I cast Bobby Sosa, who had walked in to audition for someone else's project for the lead role of Itslav and Brian Morrisey as the Boss, who both did a great job in my opinion. Begrudgingly I took the role of Markus Kent on myself and decided to attempt to fill the remaining roles with friends.

Despite the disappointments I faced in the casting process pulling off the film didn't feel out of reach... but then I lost my filming location on the first day of filming. From there things went down hill. I lost my confidence in the project and in myself as director. I slipped back into my old habits of being satisfied with the first take because of time pressure. At this point my personal life was also shaken up. I started a new job and my girlfriend of three years broke up with me. The semester became more about survival than about excelling. 

Most of my energy went into my new job while my school work, particularly working on my short film project began to fall to the wayside. Over the course of the semester I shot and edited 40 or more videos for my job and became pretty burnt out when it came to trying to organize for and shoot my own project. Not the most inspirational of stories, but its the truth of what happened. I learned a lot while making this short film and was able to use many of the things I learned early on in the class at my job. I still came out with a final product at the end of the class, which stands as a shadow of my original vision and a reminder of my human limitations.